2016 Will Be a Celebratory and Transitional Twelvemonth for BMW

The 100th anniversary of BMW volition be celebrated in 2016. BMW nearly disappeared in 1919, was near swallowed by Daimler Benz in 1959, and stumbled in 1999 as the Rover bargain unraveled. But since 2007, with the introduction of Strategy Ane, BMW has performed remarkably.

The adjacent 100 years promise to be as challenging as the get-go. What we know as a motorcar, personal transportation, will undergo substantial change as ecology regulations, fuel economy requirements, and demographic changes wreak havoc on the status quo. Having the correct goals and appropriate strategies to achieve them is paramount. And BMW has done well with its Strategy Number Ane, revealed in 2007.

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The year 2022 also marks another meaning event at BMW. Information technology marks the end of Dr.-Ing Norbert Reithofer'southward tenure as CEO. Unless the Supervisory Board extends the retirement age beyond 60 years, Dr. Reithofer will need to exist replaced.

The role of CEO in an organisation tin can range from essential to ornamental depending on the visitor. If it tends towards the former, the latitude of experience in the company and personal ties/networking to its central employees, in particular the production and research arms at BMW, are prerequisites for evaluating a CEO candidate.

BMW extends CEO Reithofer's contract

The pool of potential candidates for the function of CEO at BMW is nearly probably restricted to those who are currently members of the Board of Management, even though in that location may exist potential candidates that accept yet to be elevated to the executive board.

BMWBLOG believes the potential candidate will have been involved in production planning/supervision and too will have served in one of the two major non-European markets for BMWs, China or the United States. There are vii members of the Board of Management reporting to the CEO, six of which have technical/production process backgrounds.

Of the half dozen, two volition be beyond retirement age in 2022 (bold that 60 is still retirement age, and if the retirement historic period is changed one would assume that Dr. Reithofer would be retained as CEO). All but one of the remaining will be lx within three years of 2016.

The remaining executive board member that has the requisite technical/product background, and is young enough to serve a term of 6 plus years equally CEO, is Harald Krüger. Other news sources, including Automotive News, take speculated that Harald Krüger is in line to succeed Dr. Reithofer.

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While information technology is to early to assign certainty to Harald Krüger'southward succession to the CEO role in 2016, it makes sense to united states given the pick parameters we believe are relevant to BMW. Regardless of whom BMW selects to succeed Dr. Reithofer, nosotros are confident however that the Supervisory Board will do everything possible to ensure a smooth transition and that the CEO that is selected helps guarantee the future of the BMW Group.
