Skyrim Fnis Draws Sword From Left Side

I too went trough a lot of trouble to make this combination of mods work and I finally made it work on Mod Organizer. So far I tried many combinations of animations and it has been working pretty well. NOTE: I don't have nor Frostfall or Joy of Perspective mods installed, I haven't tried them, maybe in the future and I honestly don't know if the next guide will work if any of them are installed.

This is how I made this work:

1. Deactivate the FOMOD Installer Plugin of Mod Manager; to do this go to Mod Manager Settings/Plugins, select FOMOD Installer and on the right panel should be two lines, “enabled†and “preferâ€, double click on each one will show a drop down menu, change both options to “falseâ€.

2. Download the “Immersive Animations - NMM Installer - Complete Pack†mod with the “Download with manager button†so Mod Manager is used. Go to the downloads tab, search for the mod and double click it to install it, wait for the installation window to appear. There should be 16 checkboxes on the left panel and on the right panel a brief description of each option. I checked the next ones as they are general animations and fixes.

  • Main Module
  • Sneaking
  • Strafe
  • Normal Sprint
  • Rogue Stab
  • Female Walk Fix
  • Leaping Cross Slash

Now, the remaining options will change the animations for double wielding. If in the description says that it replaces ('insert weapon here') draw/sheathe animation YOU CAN ONLY CHECK ONE. Example: you can't check both “Sword and Shield Wield†and “Dual Sword Wield - Swords on Back†because then the animation files will be replaced by the last one you check. You can check the axe and mace dual wield options as they don't interfere with any other option.

You can check only one of the following for sword and shield

  • Sword and Shield Wield
  • Dual Sword Wield - Swords on Back
  • Dual Sword Wield - Swords on Hip

If you choose one of the previous three options you can go on and check

  • Dual Dagger Wield

But there are two more options for sword and dagger. If you choose one of the following you can't check any of the previous four because they change both sword and dagger draw/sheathe animation

  • Dual Wield Combo Sword/Dagger Dagger/Sword
  • Single Sword or Dagger on Back

Just read the description and go with whichever you'd like to try. It's important to note that if you check any dual ('insert weapon here') wield option and in game you use only one of said weapon, you'll have to stick with the dual animation (it looks funny sometimes).

Once you've made your selection click finish to install the mod. Once installed activate it by checking the box in Mod Manager's left panel.

3. Download the â€œXPMS 1-93a NMM-Bain Installer†mod with the “Download with manager button†so Mod Manager is used. Search for it in the download tab and double click it to begin installation.

  • In the first window check only “XPMS Defaultâ€. Click next.
  • In the next window check “NOâ€. Click next.
  • In the next window check nothing. Click next.
  • In the next window, the option you check will depend on which animation you chose for sword in the Immersive Animations mod. Basically if you selected ANY animation whose description says that the sword(s) will be in the hip, select “XPMS Defaultâ€; if you selected ANY animation whose description says that the sword(s) will be in the back, select “Back 1 Handed Swordâ€.
    • If you selected â€œBack 1 Handed Sword†the next window will present an option to install an animation for sword in the back of the character, don't check it. The Immersive Animations mod already installed the corresponding sword animation. Click next.
  • In the next window, the option you check will depend on which animation you chose for dagger in the Immersive Animations mod. Basically if you selected ANY animation whose description says that the dagger(s) will be in the hip, select “XPMS Defaultâ€; if you selected ANY animation whose description says that the dagger(s) will be in the back, select “Back Hip Daggerâ€. Click next.
    • If you selected â€œBack Hip Dagger†the next window will present an option to install an animation for dagger in the back of the character, don't check it. The Immersive Animations mod already installed the corresponding animation. Click next.
  • In the next window select only “Skeleton Rig mapâ€. Click next.
  • In the next window select whichever option appears (only one should appear). Click finish to install the mod.
  • Activate the mod and place it exactly after the Immersive Animations mod.

4. Follow ALL the instructions on the S.T.E.P. guide to install the Dual Sheath Redux and Better Shaped Weapons (optional) mods. Make the DSR Output mod and activate it.

5. Follow ALL the instructions on the S.T.E.P. guide to install the Fore's New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS). Make the FNIS Output mod and activate it.

6. The mod order on the left panel of the Mod Organizer should be

  • Immersive Animations (installed from Immersive Animations - NMM Installer - Complete Pack)
  • XP32 - Maximum Skeleton (installed from XPMS 1-93a NMM-Bain Installer)
  • Dual Sheath Redux
  • DSR Output
  • Better Shaped Weapons  (optional)
  • Fore's New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
  • FNIS Output

The “XP32 - Maximum Skeleton†mod will show the swords or daggers sheaths on the hip or on the back of the character if you select those options regardless of the options you selected in the “Immersive Animations†mod. Basically if you select animations for dagger or sword on the hip of the character make the appropriate selection when prompted by the “XP32 - Maximum Skeleton†mod, the same with animations on the back of the character. The selections on both mods needs to match otherwise you'll get a hip unsheathe animation with sword sheaths on the back of the character or something crazy.

You can try many combinations of animations, I always completely remove the “Immersive Animations†and “XP32 - Maximum Skeleton†mods (you don't need to go through the whole process again), install them again with the combination I want to try out and place the mods in the order shown on step 6 again. Also make sure to update the FNIS behavior every time you try a new combination.

And... that's it. It worked for me.

Edited by jaMineroR

Skyrim Fnis Draws Sword From Left Side


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