Cant Join 7 Days Sever Lag and Black Screen

I got a similar problem if not the same.

I got killed, than I closed the game in the task-manager and did not choose a option between spawning on bedroll or near that thing.
And so I spawn now and have a nice blackscreen and can literally do nothing exept of hearing things or see gamertags.


Now I cant play with my friend anymore on this server.
We didnt done anything big but..
I really consider to deinstall the game and download it when its done.
It's evolving into a COMPLETE waste of time.

Originally posted by Privat Party:

I got a similar problem if not the same.

I got killed, than I closed the game in the task-manager and did not choose a option between spawning on bedroll or near that thing.
And so I spawn now and have a nice blackscreen and can literally do nothing exept of hearing things or see gamertags.


Now I cant play with my friend anymore on this server.
We didnt done anything big but..
I really consider to deinstall the game and download it when its done.
It's evolving into a COMPLETE waste of time.

Exact same case as you


27 Mar, 2016 @ 9:26pm

same issue here everytime i join it plays the bloody screen animation and my screen goes black

I have the same issues since alpha 14. My game is working fine on other servers, but my home server shows the blood screen and then only black. ESC, T, and consol are the olny working buttons. I can't read the global chat. Please fix this annoying bug a.s.a.p.

Likely need to have your player file deleted from the server,

Last edited by alanine; 28 Mar, 2016 @ 9:41am

Go to video options and hit apply. Sometimes it's very hard to see the black boxes but once you do, (at least for me) everything works fine. The best way is to memorize which boxes to hit by doing it at the main menu. Esc > Top left box (options) > top center box (video) > bottom right box (apply).

Has been happening the past several updates. This also seems to fix the lag that happens when new players join a server and they haven't deleted their player profiles after an update, and at sunrise / sunset.

There's also a bug with this update that if you hit i or use the friends list, you'll get the console with the error message every so often.

I don't think the Apply Video options works with this one. It seems to be something with the Death sequence.. I have it now and nothing I do works to get rid of it.

same problem here. first time after restarting pc, the game works good, for a whhile. next time i play everything is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. look at my newest screenshots to see the gfx ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ups.

I think adamofangels is right, it is not a grafic issue, I can clearly see Options ans Quit when pressing ESC. It looks like the death sequence, but without a respawn :( Is there a command to respawn?

Look at my guide to fix it. it fixes it completely

Last edited by Twixie; 28 Mar, 2016 @ 12:53pm

No, it does not!
I followed it, point by point. No change. I think it is a server problem with my player profile. Only the admin can fix it. My game works fine on other servers, so the fixing points don't make sense. Anyway, thank for helping.

Originally posted by guppy0:

No, it does not!
I followed it, point by point. No change. I think it is a server problem with my player profile. Only the admin can fix it. My game works fine on other servers, so the fixing points don't make sense. Anyway, thank for helping.

You need the admin to delete your player data. As i said in the guide

any fix coming out? this happend time to time, so asking admin to delete char is not a solution.

We are currently trying to track this down... If anyone gets this problem can you see if you can contact admin and find out if your bedroll was removed/destroyed please and report back.. Seems it may have something to do with it and the server not knowing how to respawn your character due to a bug.

Cant Join 7 Days Sever Lag and Black Screen


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